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Wi-Safe2 bundle for a typical house - consists of Wi-Safe2 strobe & vibrating pad alert (FS1552W2), 2 x smoke alarm heads (WST-630), a heat alarm head (FP1720W2) and a carbon monoxide alarm (FP1820W2).
The Combined Strobe and Vibrating Pad respond to wireless signals from the Wi-Safe 2™ smoke alarm when it detects smoke. The strobe will flash and the pad will vibrate.
The red ‘alarm’ LED on the strobe will also illuminate immediately giving the individual an early warning and a better chance of escaping.
The vibrating pad can be placed under a pillow or cushion while the strobe can be wall mounted or laid flat offering greater flexibility.
The strobe also acts as a remote low-level testing device,
meaning that when the test button is pressed on the strobe it will
activate all alarms in the network.
This ensures that vulnerable individuals will not need to
struggle to press the test.
The WST-630 smoke alarm has been designed to give the earliest possible warning of fire via a network of wireless interlinked smoke alarms. It incorporates the groundbreaking Thermoptek™ technology, which provides responsiveness to all fire types in one alarm. Thermoptek™ technology combines the very latest in optical sensing with thermal enhancement, providing fast reaction to both slow smouldering and fast flaming fires in a single alarm.
The FP1720W2 Thermistek heat alarm head is a 5 plus year life, battery powered, sealed-for-life, wireless interlink heat alarm with groundbreaking Thermistek™ technology inside. Heat alarms are ideal in areas where dust, fumes and moisture can cause nuisance alarms in smoke alarms, such as kitchens, boiler rooms, laundry rooms, lofts and garages.
The Fire Angel Wi-Safe2 Carbon Monoxide alarm FP1820W2 is a 10 year battery powered, sealed-for-life, wireless interlink CO alarm with advanced diagnostics that gives complete protection from CO poisoning in the home.
Please note that Wi-Safe2 products are not compatible with the previous Wi-Safe model.
Strobe & vibrating pad alert key features:
Smoke alarm key features:
Heat alarm key features include:
Carbon monoxide key features:
Click here to view pdf user guide for the carbon monoxide alarm
Click here to view pdf datasheet for the carbon monoxide alarm
Click here to view pdf user guide
for main unit
Click here to view pdf user guide for smoke alarm
Click here to view instructions on how to activate the strobe only
This package includes the following items
This Combined Strobe and Vibrating Pad respond to wireless...
The Wi-Safe2 WST-630 Thermoptek smoke alarm head has been...
The Wi-Safe2 FP1720W2 Thermistek wireless heat alarm head...
Wi-Safe2 FP1820W2 wireless interlinked carbon monoxide alarm...
Replacement battery for WiSafe 2 W2-SVP-630 Strobe & Vibrator...
We accept the following payment methods
By appointment to
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Manufacturer and Supplier of Audio Equipment
Connevans Limited, Merstham, Surrey
Connevans Limited, Bridge House
1 Nutfield Road, Merstham, Surrey, RH1 3EB
01737 247571